Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dream Catcher

Have you ever heard of SPARK? Hosted once a year in Utah by the ever so fabulous Margie Romney-AslettRhonna Farrer, and Elizabeth Katchner, I would give my first born to attend. not kidding  These ladies jam pack a weekend full of crafty ladies we all aspire to, musical talent and decor to die for.

Since this marvelous event only happens once a year, Ms. Margie has been doing online SPARK classes since Christmas. If you haven't taken one of her classes, you are missing out BIG TIME! Her online courses are self paced and jammed packed full of garlands, gift ideas, decor, gift packaging and all sorts of other yumminess.

Amy and I haven't missed one yet.

So right now Ms.Margie is hosting SPARK Your SPRING. If you haven't already, you can still sign up. I definitely recommend it wink

One of the projects Margie shared were dream catchers. Now don't jump to conclusions and think I'm talking about the typical Indian dream catchers. No no. Ms.Margie's are fantastic.

So today I hightailed it to Hobby Lobby and got myself some supplies- an embroidery hoop, some beads, and beading wire. From my stash here at home I pulled some amazing ribbons I've been hoarding holding onto and an antique lace tablecloth my mother in law almost threw out  I rescued from the trash. love ya mom

And here is my dream catcher, that now hangs gorgeously on the wall in the craft room.

I have another thing or two to add to my gallery wall and I can't wait to show you how it all comes out.


Loree said...

It is beautiful and a fantastic way to preserve heirloom needleworks. This one happened to be a tablecloth my grandmother had made but had so many holes in it I tossed it out. Well done T

Amy E. McCollum said...

Smooches, Amy